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The 3 DVD set includes all of Steve Young's Instructional DVD's on safe deposit box locks, including:


  • Fixed Lever Safe Deposit Box Lock Instructional DVD (565DVD)
    This training DVD from Tech-Train covers the operation and service procedures for the most common fixed lever locks.  You will earn all you need to know in order to service the S&G 4400 Series, Diebold 175-05 & 175-06, Security (Kumahira) 73-11&73-21, Mosler 5700 and LeFebure 7300 Series Locks.  You will also learn how to fit a key to these locks by using depth and spacing keys and with the Framon #2 code machine.  Length - 58 minutes.

  • Resettable Lever Safe Deposit Box Lock Instructional DVD (566DVD)
    This training DVD from Tech-Train covers the operation and service procedures for the most common resettable lever locks. You will learn everything you need to know in order to service the S&G 4500 & 4340 Series, Diebold 175-70, Mosler Rapid-Set, and LeFebure 7737 Locks.  Length - 58 minutes.

  • Safe Deposit Box Lock Opening Instructional (567DVD)
    This training DVD from Tech-Train covers opening procedures for all of the locks covered on the earlier tapes.  You will see close-up views of every step during the opening of each box. Special sections include tips and tricks on nose pulling, door pulling and wedging.  Tape includes a Quick Reference Guide filled with of valuable information.  Length - 49 minutes.


These DVD's are a must for learning to service Safe Deposit Locks. When you purchase as a set, you save 30% over the individual prices. 

Product Type Educational Product
Product Type Educational Product


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